Hi! I am Anita Foust, founder and CEO of The Queen CEO Program™ and The Queen CEO Series™ which guides matriarchs to build their home-based business, self-confidence, and lives.
The Queen CEO program and series is for women who are taking care of others, or underpaid, overworked, taken for granted, and ignored. If you fit into any of these categories, the Queen CEO program and series is for you.
Social Wellness and Agism
If you have been told to your face, by a total stranger, that you are old, then you understand what it is like to be an older woman in this society. If you have not, the time may arrive. It certainly happened to me. I was very active in the community, taking care of business, and I was around the age of 40. Someone asked me to deliver some information to a person who was a parole officer. I went into her building, and one of the parolees, who probably was barely in his twenties just simply walked up to me and said, “You’re old.” I kept walking and didn’t respond.
I delivered my package. On my way back, the same person approached me, and he said to me “Your old, but you’re pretty.” Again, I kept walking and did not respond. The only thing that I can figure is someone had gotten on him about what he said to me and maybe even recognize me as one of the people down at City Hall, advocating for justice, and for jobs for people who looked like us.
Stay Ready
Being an elder in the community can give you respect, and at the same time of those who are completely out of touch, can try to harm you with their words or worse. Therefore, we always must be prepared, mentally, physically, emotionally, financially, and the rest of the dimensions of wellness. Always be ready so you don’t have to get ready.
Self-Care and Self-Love
There is absolutely nothing wrong with growing older. Society, for some reason has convinced people that if someone is over the age of 30 then they are less of a human being then they were when they were age twenty-nine or younger. Let’s take the time to take excellent care of ourselves and prove that ageism is just another form of hatred and discrimination. We should love ourselves and present the best as we approach our golden years.
Be Your Hero of Your Story
How many times have you come to the rescue of some family member or friend? If you are very lucky, and they have returned the favor, a celebration is in order. If you are being paid the same as a man, any man, who is doing the same job as you, then you are indeed blessed.
It is now time for you to rescue yourself from the path that society has designated for you as you age, to retire into poverty, sick, and alone. It doesn’t have to be that way. I, through the Queen CEO Program and Series, will guide you towards the successful and prosperous life that you design for yourself. If you don't, let's see what can possibly await you.
A Case Study from Healthy Rich
Morgan managed the household affairs frugally for two decades. Everything went off the rails when the COVID pandemic took place and her entire family was home all day, causing financial challenges that her husband blamed on her. He took over the finances and said to her face, "What have you been doing with my money?" Their relationship went downhill, and she realized that she had nothing in her name. She was completely dependent on her husband although when they met she was in college with a promising future ahead of her. Instead, she chose to be a stay-at-home mom, juggling the one income, her husband's, to ensure that it stretched. It worked, until it didn't. Even in this economy, billionaires like Jay-Z and his wife, Beyoncé, both work. Can you see Beyoncé acting like her life is not a business?
Although Beyoncé is a mega superstar, we could take a few tips from her. She treats her life like a business. She looks great at all times that we see her at least, and she is always coming up with something new and innovative to add to her sources of income. Most recently, the controversy of her doing a country album sent many people into a tangent. But she stuck with it, and it has become another hit.
These are just some of the things that we have to look into: becoming financially savvy, having multiple streams of income, and the most important part is treating our lives like a business. That is what is taught and that is the guide given to the Queen CEO students. Choose the Queen CEO program and series to ensure that you have the information necessary to go down the right path to prosperity like the woman in Proverbs 31.
Some Benefits of Treating Your Life Like A Business
Having your own money and being able to take care of yourself and your family, especially when times get hard like they did for Morgan and her family during COVID. Just imagine what her story could have turned out to be if she had a side hustle while she was dropping the kids off at school and bringing her own income in that would have helped out so much during COVID and beyond.
What do you have to lose by joining the Queen CEO program, and look at how much you can lose if you don't. Don't recreate the wheel; come join the Queen CEO program and be guided today to becoming the hero of your story.
This is the reason that the Queen CEO program students have home-based businesses where they can learn how to run their lives like a business, get the extra income, learn how to run a business, and have the tax-deductible write-offs that are legally available to them for having a home-based business.
If you want to improve your financial situation, build your self-esteem, live the life that you dreamed of, and retire your bills, this is the place for you.
Matriarchs In Business
Matriarchs have a history of sacrificing their own personal care and financial security to help family members and friends to their own detriment. The majority of women retire into poverty. This is no shock because of the behaviors that have been instilled in us for centuries. But that no longer needs to be the case because if we follow the example given to us in Proverbs 31 about the virtuous woman and bring it up to today's challenges, we become Queen CEOs. We are queens in our own right within our own minds, bodies, and spaces. In addition to that, we also have our own income coming in that makes us the Chief Executive Officer of our lives, and our finances are included in that.
Back in the beginning of my adult life, I was an advocate for the community in addition to working full-time and taking care of family members. I went to college, I made very good money, and I gave a lot of it away. Many nights you could see me down at City Hall if you watched it from your home on television. And I was burning the candle on both ends and, in the middle, and I was going forward into the age of matriarchy. Then around 2012, a major problem happened. I woke up blind one morning. It took me four years to find out that my doctor had betrayed me. He had put into my medical records that I was pretending to be blind to cover his anatomy.
Fortunately, during this time an investment that I had made in some real estate paid off shortly about a year after the blindness. I was then able to hire someone to go through my medical records to find out that this doctor for four years had been lying to me, not telling me what was going on. By that time, there was no turning back according to the medical profession, I had been told that I was going to be blind forever and for me not to worry about what happened. Of course, that's what someone would say if they didn't want you to go into your medical records to find out what was going on.
In my case, I had the ability to have someone look at the medical records who also was a medical doctor. It cost me a lot of money, thousands of dollars as a matter of fact. And that is how I found out that my doctor had put into my medical records that I was possibly pretending to be blind.
So by this time, I had learned how to be blind and use the Internet and computers, and I was able to go online to ask the question, why would someone pretend to be blind? The answr was, to get a disability check. I was livid! To immediately have my freedom taken away from me no amount on a check would be worth it.
I had my freedom on Saturday to read without assistance. I was driving on Saturday and then the next morning on Sunday, I was not able to see. Therefore, I could not drive, read, or put toothpaste on my toothbrush. Little did I know about another form of discrimination, ableism. I learned about that quickly. My plans were to go to law school but all of that ended when I found out that the law school professors did not want to accommodate me or any other blind student.
This is the reason why you have to treat your life like a business because it is. People will take advantage of you. This was abuse of a patient. I am still trying to recover; it's been 12 years and I'm still trying to recover from this. It has been a very expensive journey and it also is an expensive journey where I am not able to work to rebuild and reestablish myself financially as I had before. Don't worry, you know I'm working on it.
If you go into my visually impaired persons page, you will see that I am not sitting on my laurels or waiting for someone to do something for me. I am still working hard in the community, my husband and I bought a 20-acre farm, and I am an author, coach, educator, and public speaker. So even in the midst of all of that I have been a Queen CEO. I treat my life like a business and that goes for medical appointments and every other part of my life. I'll give you more information about that in my blogs.
Business Is Our Life
The motto for the Queen CEO program is "treat your life like a business because it is." Many times, we fall into financial traps because we loan people money that we figure they are not going to pay back. We don't ask for any documentation regarding the loan so that even if we don't try to take them to court, we can at least write it off. But the whole point is to not have people around you who are going to do wrong things to you; we have to set boundaries.
Check out my testimonials and you'll see that my students are able to move forward with their dreams. For those who have taken advantage of the information about legal home-based business tax deductions, "I have gotten the response back, thank God that I started that home-based business because it saved me so much money on my taxes."
Join the Queen CEO Program by clicking the following link,
Free Session, to receive invaluable guidance on home-based business startup, legal tax deductions, and so much more.
Why I Started the Queen CEO Program
I decided to come up with the Queen CEO program because many of my friends and I were getting older, but some were sick, some had been sick since childhood, and I wanted them to be able to have the financial success that they deserved and that was available in this world. The almighty creator wants all of his children—and we are all God's children—to be successful and to live a prosperous life. Somehow, we get programmed to not follow our dreams and not make the money that's necessary to live a prosperous life. But Jesus said that the things that he did, we could do and greater if we just had the faith of a mustard seed (Matthew 17:20).
The benefits of living your life like a business as a Queen CEO is that you stay focused on all nine dimensions of wellness so that you are more prepared in your life. The nine dimensions of wellness that I guide you through are:
1. Social
2. Physical
3. Emotional
4. Cultural
5. Intellectual
6. Financial
7. Occupational
8. Environmental
9. Spiritual
Wellness, Sacred Space, and Self-Esteem
I know what it feels like to have financial burdens that you think you cannot overcome. That is just the enemy attempting to keep you down. Remember, you are a child of God and as Jesus said, "In my Father's house are many mansions" (John 14:2). Furthermore, we should be creating heaven on earth.
Case Study
I know of someone who can retire. They have some unfinished business at the workplace which they are determined to take care of. In the meanwhile, because they are working such long hours, there is hardly any time to organize and pack up their home to be able to sell and downsize comfortably. This is a fear of the future. There is always some doubt in the back of our minds about whether we can make it without a job.
Overcome this fear, build your self-esteem, and self-confidence by joining the Queen CEO program where you will be guided on how to retire your bills, no matter your age, while giving yourself the self-love and self-care you deserve.
The Queen CEO program and the Queen CEO series are all about rebuilding our faith and confidence in ourselves so that we can live wholesome lives every day of the week, every moment of the day, all into our old age, which will not be that of a crone, bent over, smelling funny, and out of our minds.
We, the Queen CEOs, take care of all aspects of our lives because we turn all spaces that we are in into sacred spaces, and we follow the theory about the 9 dimensions of wellness, ensuring that all of those areas of our lives are taken care of. We focus primarily on the top three rooms in our spaces, and then the rest are taken care of as well.
Check out my blog posts, webinars, and book. You will find that there is a common theme through all these different projects: empowering people. In this case, it's about empowering older women who are invisible to the rest of society. I also have hopes and dreams of teaching younger queens that they too can be Queen CEOs, and they don't have to wait until they're golden years.You can retire at any age; you just have to have the money to do it.
So, join the Queen CEO Program by following this link to your free 30 minute empowerment and transformational one-on-one session: Free Session
"Treat Your Life Like A Business Because It Is!"™
Are you struggling financially? Join the Queen CEO Program and gain the guidance you need to avoid pitfalls and empower yourself. Learn to treat your life like a business because it is!
Being a part of Queen CEO classes for the past couple of years has given me the opportunity to truly focus on my mental, physical, and financial wellness. Every year before Queen CEO, I was finding myself being inconsistent and not seeing any growth in my life or even my business. Now, because of Queen CEO’s guidance and encouragement, it
Being a part of Queen CEO classes for the past couple of years has given me the opportunity to truly focus on my mental, physical, and financial wellness. Every year before Queen CEO, I was finding myself being inconsistent and not seeing any growth in my life or even my business. Now, because of Queen CEO’s guidance and encouragement, it has allowed me to take my business and my life to the next level.
Anita is definitely an awesome power partner. Thank you for your encouragement, accountability, and not allowing me to give up.
Venus Henry, owner of “A Patient’s Cheerleader”
A Patient Support Training Program
Hi, I'm Muna Mujahid owner of WOMMB Enterprises. My experience in the Queen CEO program helped me to revitalize my business properly. I encourage everyone to enroll in the Queen CEO courses.
Being a part of Queen CEO classes for the past couple of years has given me the opportunity to truly focus on my mental, physical, and financial wellness. Every year before Queen CEO, I was finding myself being inconsistent and not seeing any growth in my life or even my business. Now, because of Queen CEO’s guidance and encouragement, it
Being a part of Queen CEO classes for the past couple of years has given me the opportunity to truly focus on my mental, physical, and financial wellness. Every year before Queen CEO, I was finding myself being inconsistent and not seeing any growth in my life or even my business. Now, because of Queen CEO’s guidance and encouragement, it has allowed me to take my business and my life to the next level.
Anita is definitely an awesome power partner. Thank you for your encouragement, accountability, and not allowing me to give up.
Venus Henry, owner of “A Patient’s Cheerleader”
A Patient Support Training Program
Hi, I'm Muna Mujahid owner of WOMMB Enterprises. My experience in the Queen CEO program helped me to revitalize my business properly. I encourage everyone to enroll in the Queen CEO courses.
Empowering Women Over 50 to overcome challenges and transform their lives to Manifest Wellness, Joy, Purpose, and Financial Prosperity through Authoring, Coaching, and Educating.
Empowering Women Over 50 to Manifest Wellness, Joy, Purpose, and Financial Prosperity
At Anita Empowers, my mission is simple: Empowering Women Over 50 to Overcome Challenges and Transform Their Lives into Heaven on Earth. Through a blend of authoring, coaching, and educating, I offer the tools and guidance needed to help women manifest the life they desire—rooted in wellness, joy, purpose, and prosperity.
The Queen CEO Program
The Queen CEO Program is designed to empower women to take charge of their lives as they would a business—because your life is your most important enterprise. I guide women in treating their lives with the same focus, care, and strategy that CEOs bring to their businesses. With this program, you’ll learn how to lead with confidence, balance responsibilities, and create a legacy that reflects your true purpose. I help women overcome life’s challenges, focusing on financial empowerment, home-based business success, and personal transformation.
Patient Self-Advocate
Navigating healthcare can be overwhelming, but knowing how to advocate for yourself is essential. Through my Patient Self-Advocatecoaching program, I empower women to take control of their health journeys, ensuring they get the right care and make informed decisions. From understanding how to communicate with doctors to knowing which tests to request, this program helps women become their own best health advocates. With proper advocacy, you can protect your wellness and thrive.
Justice for Wellness
The Justice for Wellness program focuses on addressing environmental justice and wellness issues, especially for communities disproportionately affected by health hazards. Whether it's advocating for cleaner environments or fighting for policy changes, I help individuals and communities raise their voices to create safer, healthier living conditions. This program is for those passionate about using their personal power and collective action to achieve wellness justice.
Blind Girl Driving
As someone who is visually challenged, I understand the unique difficulties that come with navigating the world. Blind Girl Drivingis my coaching program that empowers visually impaired individuals to take the wheel of their lives. I provide guidance, tools, and resources to help those with vision challenges not only overcome obstacles but thrive. From assistive technology to personal development strategies, this program is dedicated to empowering the visually impaired to live with independence and confidence.
Each of these programs is tailored to meet the specific needs of my community, helping women and individuals step into their power, overcome challenges, and create the life they deserve. At
Anita Empowers, I’m here to support you every step of the way.
Being a part of Queen CEO classes for the past couple of years has given me the opportunity to truly focus on my mental, physical, and financial wellness. Every year before Queen CEO, I was finding myself being inconsistent and not seeing any growth in my life or even my business. Now, because of Queen CEO’s guidance and encouragement, it
Being a part of Queen CEO classes for the past couple of years has given me the opportunity to truly focus on my mental, physical, and financial wellness. Every year before Queen CEO, I was finding myself being inconsistent and not seeing any growth in my life or even my business. Now, because of Queen CEO’s guidance and encouragement, it has allowed me to take my business and my life to the next level.
Anita is definitely an awesome power partner. Thank you for your encouragement, accountability, and not allowing me to give up.
Venus Henry, owner of “A Patient’s Cheerleader”
A Patient Support Training Program
Hi, I'm Muna Mujahid owner of WOMMB Enterprises. My experience in the Queen CEO program helped me to revitalize my business properly. I encourage everyone to enroll in the Queen CEO courses.
Check out this great video about my experience at the Social Security office. Please wear your mask.
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